
The 7 types of rest that every person needs.

Sleep and rest are not the same thing, although many of us incorrectly confuse the two. We go through life thinking we have rested because we have gotten enough sleep —but in reality, we are missing out on the other types of rest we desperately need. The result is a culture of high-achieving, high-producing, chronically tired, and chronically burned-out individuals

We will teach youth trainers and facilitators; institutions active in the field of youth; youth leaders and young people the 7 different types of rest needed to perform better as a person and as a member of an organization.

Dr. Dalton-Smith has identified seven different types of rest that everyone needs, as each activity we engage in draws from a different pool of energy.

These include creative, mental, physical, social, emotional, sensory, and spiritual rest.






You feel that you are part of something bigger, as well as a sense of belonging and fitting in.


The ability to express your deepest feelings and be your genuine self. 


Gives you a respite from background noise, including negative self-talk and digital devices. 

We will implement activities to achieve a full understanding of the 7 types of rest and create awareness and boost the wellbeing of individuals.