Sleep and rest are not the same thing, although many of us incorrectly confuse the two.
“Rest is not just about sleep. It involves restorative activities that help us replenish our energy levels throughout the day. It truly reenergizes us”
Dr. Dalton-Smith
We will teach youth trainers and facilitators, institutions active in the field of youth, youth leaders and young people the 7 different types of rest needed to perform better as a person and as a member of an organization.
Dr. Dalton-Smith has identified seven different types of rest that everyone needs, as each activity we engage in draws from a different pool of energy.

Project results
Result 01
Check in on your rest habits – self-assessment tool and handbook for organizations to promote the 7 types of rest.
We aim to gather information from the target group (young people in different organizations) with the idea of creating a self-assessment tool, so they see their level of rest and compliance with basic regulations, so they avoid stress, anxiety, and burnout. Then we will create this self-assessment online so that all young people can visit our website and get feedback on their levels of rest based on the 7 Types of Rest strategies. Once the self-assessment tool is completed, we will put together a Handbook / Manual describing the 7 types of rest.
Result 02
Flexi-work – Toolbox and training system – How to deliver Rest7 content to young people.
The main objective of this activities of project is to promote the importance of rest and the 7 types of rest needed for a healthy and productive lifestyle. We aim to produce a Toolbox and an online Training System for youth organizations, youth workers and trainers and even labor organizations with the idea of producing practical resources to help them with their youngster welfare and avoid stress, anxiety and burnout.
Result 03
Be inspired – video clips with experts speaking about each type of rest and development of competences.
Be Inspired activity will be a collection of 14 best practice examples (case studies), with audiovisual interviews with experts in wellbeing, youth organizations, youth workers, trainers, and labor organizations or, trainers and facilitators who have successfully implemented (or are implementing at present) the 7 types of rest in their companies, schools or youth institutions, giving details about the introduction, obstacles, difficulties, results, consequences and approval of those Rest 7 strategies by the youngsters. These case studies will aim and serve as the basis for our complete training system on reskilling and upskilling strategies. The working methodology will be to work in collaboration and provide mutual support. Each partner will have their working draft audio files evaluated by another organization from the partnership as a mechanism to assess and where appropriate with suggestions improve the overall quality of the final version.
Our partners